Author - Begorett

Artificial Intelligence applied on transportation design

Have you ever thought about the role that artificial intelligence plays in the design and production of transportation vehicles? From optimizing designs for efficiency to improving safety features, AI is quickly becoming an integral part of the industry. One example of this is BEGORETT, which recently announced the use of AI in the design of its new line of their future...

Riding to the future!

For a moment, it reminded me of a mythical 80's movie. In which a young man and a mad scientist travel through time and go to the future. At Begorett we have the feeling that we are creating a vehicle of the future, to be able to enjoy it soon. What does this vehicle have that makes it special for the...


At Begorett, we want to change things for the better. We manufacture the most sophisticated 4-wheel human-electric hybrid in the world. An electric motor will let you cruise at up to 25 km/h, while your built-in personal fitness trainer will probably tell you to opt for more pedal than electric power. And they're custom-made, according to your preferences. You have...

Life is an adventure

If you'd ask us how we get to work every day, the answer is clear: we use the Begorett Velomobile. And it's easy to see why. The Begorett is the preferred choice of transportation for anyone who doesn't want to sacrifice style for usability. It combines both, and it adds a whole lot of safety, too, including a built-in driver's...

Happy New Year 2022 from Begorett

We are ending a complex 2021 and we are looking at future with electric power and transmision. We wish you a happy new year 2022! BEGORETT's new year's resolution: 1. Safe Cycling 2. Healthy Habits 3. More Bike Lanes 4. Investors to industrialize Begorett 5. Combat Climate Change   We can do it! Join us or follow us at

Top 10 most interesting velomobiles in the world

TheFuture 2.0  a Youtube channel with more than 11.900 suscriptores, had selected BEGORETT as one of the 10 mos interesting velomobiles in the world and we are very happy for that. Thanks TheFuture 2.0! In their channel you can se velomobiles, eTrikes, eBikes, electric recumbent bikes and cargo cycles....

Driven By Design – Bryan Thompson/ Designer & Media Consultant

Bryan Thompson, Car Designer / Media Consultant and Paul Roberts, Podcast Producer and Online Radio Pioneer , produce a show called DRIVEN BY DESIGN that explores everything that drives us today from EVs to eBikes. Streamed live fr/The University of California Irvine's BEALL APPLIED INNOVATION CENTER Thursdays at 1pm PT. Last Thursday, September 23, 2021, Bryan Thompson (10 years with Nissan...

Composites at rallycars

It is common in rally cars that some of its components made of pressed steel are replaced by composite materials.

Changing the vehicle doors, hood and rear of the vehicle from pressed steel to panels made of a composite carbon-aramid material, reduces their weight between 82% and 89%.

Former rally champion Petter Solberg competed in the 2013 European Championship with a 600-horsepower...