ECOGP 2019 Calafat (Spain) – Presentations

ECOGP 2019 Calafat (Spain) – Presentations

Yesterday, Saturday, September 21, 2019, the 9-hour ECOGP 2019 took place in Calafat (Tarragona) Spain. This day is within a broad calendar of competitions that will take place within the sports season 2019 across Europe.

Within the day of the race there were activities for children, remote control car racing, exhibition of cars and electric motorcycles, test area for electric vehicles and a presentation of companies in the electric mobility sector that presented their electric mobility solutions.


Patrick is the founder of VOLT TOUR and he explained to us in a flat way all the components that are around an electric vehicle.

We were surprised with an analogy about how a friend of ours should convince us to use a gasoline vehicle, if today and for the past 100 years we had been running on electric vehicles. It was very fun and smart!

In short, that the sales arguments of internal combustion vehicles would not convince us to switch from the electric to it.

He showed us the great energy difference between using an internal combustion vehicle with a very low performance compared to an electric vehicle that has a performance close to 97% or higher.

We explain why TESLA batteries can reach more than 220,000 km under the theory of divide and conquer! We recommend following Patrick on social networks, he is a great professional.


Pere introduced us to CIRCUITOR and put us in background on the current situation. In Spain we already have energy freedom and this can no longer go back because we are part of Europe and by the Treaty of Paris in which, the world is committed to using only electric energy. So, we must say goodbye to using other types of polluting energy such as oil and its derivatives.

In Circuitor they manufacture parking covers for companies with solar panels, integrated control circuitry and charging points for electric vehicles. It is a great solution for companies with advanced ecological and sustainable culture.

We recommend you to follow Pere for their knowledge on solar panels and charging systems.

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Ricard introduced BEGORETT 2020. Begorett is a four-wheeled hybrid vehicle (pedals + electric assistance) with a chassis to protect its occupants. It is like a small and light competition vehicle designed to make daily journeys while we can exercise safely.

Ricard told us that thanks to the use of Begorett on daily journeys, a person can earn between 1 and 2 hours of free time each day since once you return home taking away the assistance to the vehicle, you have already done your daily exercise and you do not You need to go to the gym.

He put a special focus on the circular economy DNA that BEGORETT has. The vehicle starts from the BEGORETT ZERO which is the complete vehicle but without a body. Customers who buy it with a body and after a few years want the new BEGORETT model do not have to buy a new vehicle, they just have to buy a new body because the new bodies will be compatible with the BEGORETT ZERO. At the same time that old body is introduced in a market so that a user of BEGORETT ZERO without body can access to have one at a good price. Therefore it is a vehicle that is thought to be used for many decades, doing a proper maintenance.

We invite all companies to use the covers of Circuitor with hybrid vehicles such as @Begorett for their employees, for several reasons:

  1. Increase parking capacity. Where 1 car fits, 3 Begorett’s fit.

  2. Reduce the number of sick leave due to the better physical and mental health of their employees (pedaling activates the mind and not suffer traffic jams or stressful situations in the paths helps Begorett users to be happier).

  3. Brand Impact, your company will project the image of a company aware of the environment and the environment, which is a company that cares about its employees.

  4. It will reduce the transportation costs of employees, and these will reciprocally increase their purchasing power.

  5. Among other.

We recommend you follow Ricard on social networks to learn more about his vision of mobility and life.


Luis is the Coordinator of the Master in Industrial Engineering at the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona and I present the URVOLTAGERACING project.

The URVOLTAGERACING project aims to create the best electric motorcycle for the Moto Student competition. It is a project in which up to 26 students of the URV university of various specialties such as Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Economics, Business Administration and Management and Marketing participate. Each of them is responsible for a specific part of the project such as the development of parts or components of the vehicle, assembly, search of components and their integration into the vehicle, economic control of the project, communication and promotion.

Luis told us that the next step was to develop a fairing in 3D printing. We believe that additive manufacturing will be very useful for developing this component and many others in the future.

We recommend you follow Luis on social networks for his extensive experience as an engineering professor.


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Jordi introduced us to REBY a Sharing company that is committed to sustainable growth and has a firm commitment to society and the integration into the working world of groups at risk of social exclusion.

Reby’s secret is good work and business strategy. While other sharing companies limit themselves to buying commercial electric scooters for private use, REBY has developed their own scooter under an intensive use criterion. Its team of engineers and the R + D + i department have been very demanding in the scooter’s compliance requirements to guarantee its long durability and with a very low maintenance cost.

All their scooters are connected through IoT and one of the values ​​of the company is that they share the mobility data of their users with the municipalities where they are implemented so that they can have real information about the users to define the mobility service of the city.

I recommend you follow Jordi on social networks for his extensive knowledge about mobility and sharing.



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ECOGP organizes resistance competitions of electric vehicles. Competitions range from 9-hour races to 24-hour endurance races. Within its portfolio of endurance races we can also find Schaun hill challenge, Hockenheimring cup, night races, snow marathon and drag race Abu Dhabi.

Bioeconomic is a company that organizes professional conferences on energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, and a long etc. Company with extensive experience in the Energy and Environmental Areas, focused on Energy Optimization, Sustainable Construction and Eco-mobility. With the business objective of achieving, in all areas of the Company, Energy, Environmental Sustainability and its Profitability.
To learn more, we recommend you follow Sebastià on social networks.

CUÏC is a company that offers services for the promotion of sustainable mobility: such as conferences, events, workshops, etc. and assistance and / or advice to city councils and companies on the implementation of sustainable mobility solutions. We recommend you to follow  Jordi on social media to know more about it.


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